Prozap Mole & Gopher Pelleted Bait 1 lb

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Prozap Mole & Gopher Pelleted Bait 1 lb
$13.99 / EA

PROZAP Mole & Gopher Pelleted Bait is a fast acting zin phosphide bait formulated to be appealing to rodents. This acute roenticide is blended with a special blend of processed grains. It will effectively control infestations of mice or rats, as well as moles and gophers.

Acute Toxicant: Zinc Phosphide (2%). Zinc phosphide, a powerful acute rodenticide, is contained in all PROZAP rodent bait formulations. These fast acting baits are formulated with a special blend of processed grains that are especially appealing to rodents.

Low Secondary Poisoning Potential: Zinc phosphide pellets have low secondary poisoning potential because the active ingredient does not accumulate in the tissues of the target animals. Zinc phosphide reacts with the acidic conditions in the gut to form phospine gas. The gas results in direct irritaiton of the gastrointestinal tract along with cardiovascular collapse, resulting in death. When given a choice, non target species typically refuse to eat the contaminated digestive tract, resulting in fewer secondary poisonings occurrences.

Reduces Accidental Game Bird Poisonings: Turkeys and pheasants are known to avoid ingestion of foreign foods such as pellets. This instinctual feeding behavior may aid in reducing accidental poisonings compared to the use of zinc phosphide cracked corn baits.
Features & Advantages

Rapid & economical control of large infestations of mice or rats in and around livestock & poultry buildings; gophers can also be effectively controlled with direct burrow application
Attractive protein concentrations
The pellet size helps prevent shattering and dust formation when being loaded into mechanical spreaders or during application
Contains less dust than competitor formulations
Pellets utilize a special hardening agent and can withstand up to 1 1/2" of rainfall before melting
Easily filters through vegetation
PROZAPs small pellet size is preferred by mice
Kills moles and gophers right where they live; direct baiting to underground burrows, tunnels and mounds
Fast acting; works within hours
Measuring scoop included for easy application
Above & Below Ground Applications: Grape vineyards,Macadamia nut orchards,Nursery stock (ornamental & non-bearing fruit trees, Orchards & groves, Rangeland, Sugarcane, Reduced tilage & no till corn, Non crop areas including golf courses, lawns, parks, rights of way, Alfalfa fields, In and around buildings, including homes, agricultural and industrial buildings and other man-made structures
Flexible Application Methods

Broadcasting by aircraft, ground driven equipment or hand (gloved)
In furrow applications at the time of planning (reduced tillage & no-till corn)
Artificial burrow building machines beneath the soil surface
Spot treatments using bait stations or trail baiting
Burrow treatments

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