Hi Yield Snake Repellent 4 lb

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Hi Yield Snake Repellent 4 lb

$14.99 / EA

Hi-Yield Snake Repellent
Cedar Oil 3.1%   Cinnamon Oil 0.6%   Clove Oil 0.3%
Repel snakes from lawns & around homes
Repellent triggers avoidance behavior in snakes
Effectively repels snakes from areas where they are not wanted. Apply around homes, garages, barns, swimming pools, garden sheds, woodpiles and other areas where snakes may be a problem. May be used in areas where children and pets play. Product is biodegradable and will not harm lawns, flowerbeds or other desirable plants when used as directed.

How It Works: The unique blend of ingredients in this product trigger escape/avoidance behavior in snakes. Snakes actually taste the air around them (via a receptor organ known as the Jacobsons organ). This product provides a powerful scent/taste repellent that snakes find unpleasant and which triggers a natural reaction to escape and avoid. Product does not harm snakes, it drives them away, naturally.

How To Use: For a perimeter/barrier treatment, lightly sprinkle a band 6 to 8 inches wide, next to and around the area you wish to protect. It is not necessary to completely cover the ground with product. One pound will treat a band 8 inches wide by 50 feet in length. If after 2 weeks no snakes have been observed, a broadcast/maintenance application may be made at the rate of 1 lb per 100 sq. ft. Do not water in after application. Reapply product after heavy rains or every two weeks to obtain best results.

Snake Prevention Tips:
Keep grass cut and vegetation trimmed away from home and other buildings/structures
Cut down heavy brush or trim back hedges
Keep compost piles away from home and other buildings on your property Eliminate debris such as leaf piles/rock piles
Carefully inspect foundations and fill any cracks/crevices that would allow a rodent or snake to enter
Seal small gaps under doors, decks, fences, etc.

/ EA
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